If you aren"t in the mood, gently let your man know IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM (remember that ego).
The following 10 date ideas should help put you in the mood and may even inspire you to come up with a few on your own.
Nobody with a meaningful office in Washington was in the mood for any of that, so the rescue nets were readied.
Eventually, Michael warmed up to me, and even started talking to me once in a while if he was in the mood.
I was not in the mood, but he was so sincere that I did not have the heart to turn him down. Reluctantly, I took a look at the essay.
I wasn"t in the mood to go on a real crying jag. I would save that for bedtime, when I would have to think about the coming morning.
Maybe he"ll be a bit more understanding when he"s in the mood for love and I say that I"m too tired.
If she did something wrong, she won"t hide it from you, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk about it.
When he was in the mood, listening to feel nice. When a bad mood, listen to what all perturbed.
Nothing gets me in the mood for a little retro post- apocalyptic science fiction action-adventure like a little operatic chanting.