n.: 图论
The word association network of two cohorts of adults was studied respectively using graph theory and network analysis methods.
Using graph theory of adjacency matrix as a conversion, a depth-first search to the entire map, can be cut at all possible paths.
Integration of the association rule mining algorithm FP-Tree and a great group theory, graph theory, the advantage.
A spectrum assignment scheme for cognitive radio networks is proposed by means of combining graph theory with immune optimization algorithm.
How to determine the isomorphism of graphs is a difficult problem of graph theory, which has not been completely solved so far.
second, the least weight match algorithm in graph theory is adopted to optimize the tie lines between each substation and its neighbor.
We have referred to electric networks from time to time as prime examples of systems amenable to graph theory methods.
The shortest path problem is a typical problem in graph theory, it has a wide range of examples in production and daily life.
Intopological graph theory, the surface S is a compact 2-dimensional manifold without boundary.
Discrete mathematics: logic, set theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and algorithms, complex variables, numerical analysis.